Single Women Tips

When it comes to Single Women, we've been there, done that, now serving 83 tips in 10 categories ranging from Cleaning and Home Repairs to Travel.

Bring Spring into Your Home

[To perk yourself up in this time between Winter and Spring, buy a Spring-time plant from the grocery store.] They always have a display of them right by the front doors at this time of year. Give in to the temptation.

Pick a plant that looks strong and hasn't been left to dry out OR soak in too much water. Set it on your kitchen table so you can see it each time you walk by.


Family Holidays Don't Need to Make you Lonely

The holidays can be kind of sad at times when you are single. I find myself feeling a bit left out when I am going to family gatherings and I don't have children or a family of my own. Being single is ok. There are advantages such as being able to come and go as I please and not having anyone to get ready but myself. When I Christmas shop I can get in and out of the mall pretty quick, or sit back with a great latte and watch everyone else still hustling along.

I seldom feel lonely because I am busy or just enjoying myself as I am. I don't think about what I don't have. I think about what I do have. If you get feeling the blues over family holidays, like Christmas, think about what you do have rather than what you think you wish you had.

It also helps to talk to the women who do have kids. Catch them at a moment when they are feeling overwhelmed and then be glad you are single! The grass really is always greener on the other side of the fence. Appreciate the grass you have!


Tin Foil on Cookie Sheets

Cover your cookie sheet with tin foil before you put the food in the oven. This makes the clean up a lot easier, especially with something like pizza which can ooze cheese you have to scrub at a lot to get rid of later.


Quick Clean Purse

Buy a purse made of a fabric you can throw in the washing machine. This way you never need to work very hard to keep your purse clean, looking good and it will outlast almost every other purse you buy.

Just think, when you take out your wallet and other essentials you just need to fish out the assorted oddities like elastic bands, paper clips and other things which should not go into your washing machine. All that detrious at the bottom of your purse gets cleaned out in the wash. You don't have to poke your fingers down into the corner of your purse trying to clean it all out. It is also perfect if you ever have a plastic package of coffee cream, butter or vinegar burst inside your purse. The clean up could not be easier!


Christmas Cookies All Year Round

Icebox cookies are a simple recipe. There are a lot of varieties for it online or in cookbooks, pick one that sounds good to you.

The best thing is having the cookie dough, rolled up in wax paper kept in the freezer for any time you want to bake up some cookies. You don't have to bake them all at once. They store very well as long as you make sure they aren't freezer burnt (wrap them up well).

My Christmas icebox cookies have red and green candined cherries to give them that added Christmas spirit!


Twitter yourself a Date

On your Twitter profile use a link to your best (or favourite) dating profile. You just add it where it asks for your blog or home page. If you don't have a blog or site of your own why not link it to something that will work for you?

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